
Latest Fotafy Projects

Here are some of Fotafy's latest photograph assigments. Below you will find various restoration, colourisation and HD Enhancement Projects.

HD Enhance
1930's Image of Bonnie and Clyde restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
1930's close-up of facial features of Bonnie and Clyde after being restored, Coloured and HD Super Enhanced
Black and White Image restored
19th Century Image restored and Coloured
Old Torn Image restored to original condition
1940's school pupils Image restored and Coloured
Image of Mark Twain restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
1960's famous image of Martin Luther King after being restored, Coloured and HD Super Enhanced
Old 1950's image with crease marks and marks removed
Old church photo restored and re-coloured to look as new
Image of a young Winston Churchill restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
Close up image of Winston Churchill after being restored, Coloured and HD Super Enhanced
Full restoration completed of early 1900's image with crease marks, tears and discolouration.
Mother and daughter photo from 1970's restored and re-coloured to look as new
Image of Queen Victoria restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
Close up image of Queen Victoria after being restored, Coloured and HD Super Enhanced
Comparison Image of a Queen Victoria before / after being restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
HD Enhancment image of John F Kennedy
19th Century town church image restored and re-coloured to look as new
Full restoration completed of Victorian Woman image with major tear replaced and crease marks, tears and discolouration removed.
Image of Greta Garbo restored, Coloured and HD Enhanced
Image of James Dean after being restored, Coloured and HD Super Enhanced
Full restoration of 1950's image of young couple with major crease marks and photo also faded.
Full restoration completed of faded image with major discolouration.
1970's image of 2 women socialising restored and re-coloured to look as new
1960's iamge of an elderly gentleman restored and re-coloured to look as new